

How a cataract forms?

The lens, where cataracts form, is positioned behind the colored part of your eye (iris). The lens focuses light that passes into your eye, producing clear, sharp images on the retina the light-sensitive membrane on the back inside wall of your eyeball that functions like the film of a camera. A cataract scatters the light as it passes through the lens, preventing a sharply defined image from reaching your retina. As a result, your vision becomes blurred.

As you age, the lenses in your eyes become less flexible, less transparent and thicker. Age-related changes cause tissues within the lens to break down and clump together, clouding small areas within the lens. As the cataract continues to develop, the clouding becomes denser and involves a greater part of the lens. Cataracts may develop in only one eye, but they usually develop in both of your eyes. However, the cataracts usually aren't totally symmetrical, and the cataract in one eye may be more advanced than the other.

What are the symptoms?
  • * Cloudy, blurry, fuzzy, foggy or filmy vision
  • * A noticeable cloudiness in the pupil
  • * Increased glare from lights eg: from headlights when driving at night
  • * A decrease in distance vision but an improvement in near vision.
  • * Double vision (diplopia)
  • * Frequent changes in glass power
  • * Impairment of colour vision
  • * Poor vision in sunlight.

Experience Excellence in Cataract Surgery with Dr. Lav Kochgaway

Dr. Lav Kochagway's cataract surgery delivers unmatched results.

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Living with cataracts can be a challenging journey. The gradual clouding of your eye's natural lens can lead to a range of vision issues, from blurred vision to increased sensitivity to light, making everyday activities more difficult. If you or a loved one are facing these vision challenges, you don't have to navigate this path alone. Dr. Lav Kochgaway, a trusted name in the field of ophthalmology in Kolkata, is here to offer you a clear solution. With his expert knowledge and state-of-the-art techniques, Dr. Lav specializes in the removal of cataracts and the restoration of clear vision. We understand the pain and frustration that cataracts can bring, and our mission is to help you regain your vision, independence, and quality of life. Let us guide you towards a brighter, cataract-free future.

But first, let's learn how cataract forms?

When do cataracts start?

The lens, where cataracts form, is situated behind the colored part of your eye known as the iris. This lens plays a crucial role in focusing the incoming light, resulting in clear, sharp images on the retina, which is the light-sensitive membrane on the back inside wall of your eyeball, functioning much like the film in a camera. However, when a cataract develops, it scatters the light passing through the lens, preventing the formation of a sharply defined image on the retina. Consequently, your vision becomes progressively blurred.

As you age, the lenses in your eyes naturally undergo changes, becoming less flexible, less transparent, and thicker. These age-related changes lead to the breakdown and clumping together of tissues within the lens, resulting in small areas of cloudiness within the lens itself. As the cataract continues to progress, this cloudiness becomes denser and encompasses a larger portion of the lens. While cataracts may initially develop in only one eye, they often appear in both eyes. However, it's essential to note that cataracts in each eye may not progress symmetrically, with one eye's cataract potentially advancing more than the other.

How Dr. Lav Treats Cataracts?

When it comes to treating cataracts, it's important to understand that for some individuals with mild cataracts, temporary vision improvement can be achieved through changes in prescription. However, it's crucial to recognize that this is just a short-term solution for a condition that won't resolve on its own.

The definitive and only way to effectively address cataracts is by removing the entire cloudy lens from the eye. Each time we undertake this procedure, we replace the cloudy lens with an artificial implant. These implants can feature various technologies and can be customized with specific prescriptions to suit the patient's vision needs. This transition involves going from a natural lens to a synthetic one.

The primary treatment option for individuals affected by cataracts is surgery. Cataracts can be removed through traditional surgical methods using conventional tools, or a more advanced approach can be taken by utilizing laser technology for the removal process, often referred to as 'laser cataract surgery.' During this procedure, the cloudy and impaired natural lens is carefully removed, and in its place, a new artificial lens is skillfully inserted." The choice between phacoemulsification and laser cataract surgery can be made after discussion with the doctor. Choice of intraocular lens customized to the visual requirements of the patient is a very important aspect of present day cataract surgery - in which Dr Lav has excellent expertise.

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